My dear Akwa Ibomites
Let me start by wishing you Compliments of the Season and God's blessing in this new month of December! Those of voting age will exercise their suffrage, and choose the people who will represent our interests as Chairmen and Councillors of our Local Government Councils on Saturday, 2nd December, 2017.
Let me remind us that the aim of this exercise is not to divide but to unite us. It is not to destroy our values but to build up the Akwa Ibom Family. Let us note that this election would be over, but the Akwa Ibom project lives on.
I am happy with the peaceful manner we conducted ourselves in the course of the campaigns. This has made it clear to the world that Akwa Ibomites do not have to see eye-to-eye in order to walk hand-in-hand. Similar exercise in other parts of the nation was marred with violence, bloodshed and mayhem, but in this blessed State named after the Almighty God, we proved to our nation our belief that blood is thicker than politics. We proved to the world that Akwa Ibom State is not only God-fearing and peaceful; but mature enough to internalize and accept political differences.
We may have different political opinions and beliefs; we may disagree on the mechanics of achieving a set political goal, but we never differ or disagree with the truth that what binds us transcends political affiliations. We never differ or disagree with our sacred faith and belief in the Akwa Ibom Project and the immutability of its essence. This admirable quality is a legacy we inherited from our fathers who contributed their meager resources to selflessly build community schools and train our deserving children. It is a legacy that is wired into our DNA.
As we go out to vote, let us imbibe that spirit of love and sacrifice. Let us be law abiding, let us eschew violence and let us preserve the awesome testimony of the righteous heritage of our dear State.
I urge our youths to resist the temptation of those who may desire to use them to foment trouble, or cause the breakdown of law and order. I wish to reiterate in clear terms Government's irrevocable commitment to the maintenance of law, peace and order. Any individual who dares to test our commitment should be ready to face the full weight, wrath and fury of the law.
I urge parents whose wards may have been compromised or may have offered themselves as willing tools of destabilization by misguided political entities, to call their wards to order. I urge parents to again remind their wards that those who take laws into their hands would soon have handcuffs over their wrists. The law enforcement agencies are ready and prepared to maintain the peace. Movements of persons and vehicles across the state will be restricted from midnight on Friday, 1st December to 4pm on Saturday, 2nd December, 2017 except personnel on essential duties who must carry their valid identification.
The Government of Akwa Ibom State stands ready to enforce its sacred responsibility of the maintenance of law and order. Let this word go forth to all nooks and crannies of our State that from this commitment, we would neither retreat nor surrender.
God bless Akwa Ibom State, God bless Nigeria. It is well and will always be well with Akwa Abasi Ibom State.
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