Update Akwa Ibom Radio programme, hits waves on AKBC 90.5 FM, tomorrow Friday, 23rd March by 10.30 am.
It is yet another Sensitization and Citizen-oriented Radio Programme created through the instrumentality of the visionary and ingenious AKS Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Mr. Charles Udoh.
Produced by AKS Ministry of Information and Strategy, Update Akwa Ibom will run weekly on AKBC Radio 90.5 FM on Fridays by 10.30am.
A magazine programme comprising of three segments, namely; the week in Focus, sectorial achievements and From the Citizen Centre, Update Akwa Ibom, promises to be informative, educating and interesting.
The debut will feature the initiator of the Udomcares Citizen Centre, the State Information Boss, presenting government position and answers to questions asked by the people through Udomcares Citizen Centre.
You can't afford to miss Update Akwa Ibom tomorrow morning, Friday 23rd March on AKBC 90.5 FM by 10.30am.
It's the debut of Update Akwa Ibom Radio Programme!!!
You can't afford to miss.
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